Monthly Review for November 2024
This month, I created 1 new repository on GitHub and made 48 commits across 3 repositories:
- 28 commits to my personal website,
- 10 commits to my solution for the Frontend Mentor challenge product preview card component,
- 10 commits to Project: Admin Dashboard in The Odin Project.
I made good progress with my personal website. I have a basic version up and running, have added my custom domain, and can publish notes and articles on the site. I have three notes published so far. This monthly review will be the fourth.
I published a list of Digital Sustainability Resources for Web Developers on my personal website. I plan to add more resources to it over time.
I didn’t make much progress on Project: Admin Dashboard in The Odin Project and therefore still haven’t completed the course Intermediate HTML & CSS.
I didn’t make much progress on the learning path Building Responsive Layouts on Frontend Mentor either. I started the challenge product preview card component but haven’t completed it yet.
I haven’t written any articles for my personal website yet and still have the dummy content that came with the Astro Blog template on the site.
I had a lovely evening with the women of Winston Women in STEM. A special shout-out to Maisie for founding the group over five years ago and for keeping it running.
Looking Forward
Next month, I want to go back to making at least one commit every weekday and tracking the time I work on learning web development. I also want to take time off from web development from December 23rd through January 5th to look back on the current year and to plan for the next.